Danying Wang

Post-doctoral Researcher

Danying obtained her PhD at the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience under the supervision of Dr Leun Otten. Her doctoral research focused on investigating the anticipatory neural mechanisms supporting episodic memory encoding using scalp EEG. She developed an interest in understanding how brain oscillations contribute to episodic memory formation, which led to a research visit in Professor Simon Hanslmayr’s lab at the University of Birmingham to study the causal role of theta rhythm in supporting multisensory memory encoding. After a brief post-doc with Dr Rongjun Yu at the National University of Singapore, where she investigated episodic memory guided value-based decision making, Danying took a post-doc position under the supervision of Professors Simon Hanslmayr and Kim Shapiro at the University of Glasgow and the University of Birmingham. Since then, Danying has developed a passion for understanding how circuit-level mechanisms, which are usually demonstrated in animal models, link to human memory behaviour. She has now joined the UCL Human Electrophysiology lab and will hopefully uncover how sequential events of an individual’s past, present and future are organised in the human brain.



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